Oncology Clinical Pharmacy Services


Prescription medication use is widespread, complex, and increasingly risky. Advances in clinical therapeutics have undoubtedly resulted in major improvements in health for patients with many diseases, but these benefits have also been accompanied by increased risks. It has forced pharmacists to take a patient-centered approach and Pharmacist-directed medication therapy management is more important than ever. Within the context of Nepal, the term clinical pharmacist is still new and NCHRC has started the concept of clinical pharmacy for the first time in the field of oncology.


Who is a clinical pharmacist?

Clinical pharmacists are practitioners who provide comprehensive medication management and related care for patients in health care settings. Clinical pharmacist works directly with physicians, other health professionals, and interacts with the patients to ensure that the medications prescribed for patients contribute to the best possible health outcomes.


Aim of this Services at NCHRC?

  • To be more accountable regarding patient care specially to ensure the medication safety.


Major Clinical Pharmacy services:

  • Prescription Review
  • Drug Interaction Review
  • Supervision of Chemotherapy Drug Mixing
  • Pre-Chemotherapy counselling about prescribed chemotherapy regimen, possible adverse effects and precautions.
  • Adverse drug reaction (ADR) prevention and monitoring
  • Anticoagulant therapy management
  • Patient Tailored Drug Regimen: Renal & Hepatic Dose Adjustment
  • Antibiotic stewardship
  • Discharge Medication Reconciliation


Contact Information:

Puskar Kunwor, M.Pharm

Sr. Clinical Pharmacist & Head, Clinical Pharmacy Services

Nepal Cancer Hospital & Research Center

E-mail address: clinicalpharmacist@nch.com.np

Mob. No.: 9801240988